The tax return pay & file deadlines for income earned in 2019 outside the payroll are set out below.
- For income earned in 2019 the required date to submit both returns and payments is no later than 31 October 2020.
- The extended Pay and file deadline for 2020 has not been announced yet.
For PAYE workers you need to submit a Form 12 unless the non-PAYE income exceeds €5,000 then you Must register for the Self Assessment Income Tax system and submit an Income Tax Form 11.
A. No later than 31 October 2020.
A1. 15 Dec 2019. Payment due on gains arising between 1 January 2019 to 30 November 2019. Use CGT Payslip A
A2. 31 January 2020. Capital Gains Tax-Payment due on gains 1 December 2019 and 31 December 2019. Use CGT Payslip B
Failure to file tax return for these payments in 2020 will result in penalties even if liability is paid in full.
It is important to record the sale of assets by completing a tax return even if no liability arose as Revenue are aware of the sale but are unaware of whether you have tax liability or not due.
All capital losses Must be reported by completing your tax return in order to use them against future gains.
You must submit an income tax return if you are in receipt of other income apart from your PAYE income. This may include income from a trade or business, rental income, you are a Proprietary Director or you are in receipt of any other form of income. You must also file a tax return if you have been granted SARP relief (Special Assignee Relief Programme).
Yes — you are obliged to file a self-assessed return every year by the deadline of 31st October, even if you did not make any profit.